
Books for Teachers and Students

  • More Common English Errors in Hong Kong (2011). Pearson, Hong Kong.
  • Common English Errors in Hong Kong: New Edition (2010). Pearson / Longman, Hong Kong.
  • Teaching for the ‘Practical Skills’ Exam: AS Level ‘Use of English’ (1995). Hong Kong Examinations Authority.
  • Common Social Errors in Hong Kong English (1994). Longman, Hong Kong.
  • Common Written & Spoken English Errors in Hong Kong (1992), with Joe & Linda Boyle. Longman, Hong Kong.
  • New Trends in English 4 & 5 (1991), with Neville Grant. Longman, Hong Kong.
  • New Trends in English 4 & 5: Teachers’ Resource File (1991), with Neville Grant. Longman, Hong Kong.
  • New Trends in English 5: Listening Revision and Exam Practice (1991), with C.Woodyard. Longman, Hong Kong.
  • Common English Errors in Hong Kong (1989). Longman, Hong Kong.
  • Advanced Integrated English Listening (1988), with Nancy Lee. Longman, Hong Kong.
  • Advanced Integrated English Listening: Teacher’s Guide (1988). Longman, Hong Kong.

Academic Publications

Bunton, D. (2005). The structure of Ph.D Conclusion chapters. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 4(3), 207-224.

De Chazal, E., Atabas, H.G., Bunton, D., Skinner, J. and Dayioglu, S. (2005). Symposium on academic writing. In B.Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2005: Cardiff Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL, pp 89-91.

Bunton, D. (2002) Generic moves in Ph.D Introduction chapters. In J. Flowerdew (ed.) Academic Discourse. London: Longman, pp 57-75.

Bunton, D., Stimpson, P., and Lopez-Real, F. (2002). University tutors’ practicum observation notes: format and content. Mentoring & Tutoring, 10(3), 233-252.

Bunton, D., and Tsui, A.B.M. (2002.) Setting language benchmarks: Whose benchmark? Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 12(1), 63-76.

Tsui, A.B.M., and Bunton, D. (2002). The discourse and attitudes of English language teachers in Hong Kong. In K. Bolton (ed.) Hong Kong English: Autonomy and Creativity. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 57-77. First published in Journal of World Englishes, 19(3).

Lopez-Real, F., Stimpson, P., and Bunton, D. (2001). Supervisory conferences: an exploration of some difficult topics. Journal of Education for Teaching, 27(2), 163-175.

Tsui, A.B.M., and Bunton, D. (2000). The discourse and attitudes of English language teachers in Hong Kong. World Englishes, 19(3), 287-303.

Stimpson, P., Lopez-Real, F., Bunton, D., Chan, D., Sivan A., and Williams M. (2000). Better Supervision, Better Teaching: A Handbook for Teaching Practice Supervisors. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 204 pp.

Bunton, D. (1999). The use of higher level metatext in Ph.D theses. English for Specific Purposes: An International Journal, 18, S41-S56.

Falvey, P., Bunton, D., Lee, I., and Wong, A.T.Y. (1999). Text linguistics: versatile tools for the text analyst. In R. Berry, B. Asker, M. Lam and K. Hyland (eds.) Language Analysis, Description and Pedagogy. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Press, pp 93-106.

Bunton, D. (1998). Assessing the teaching practicum at the pass/fail borderline. In O.W.Y. Kwo (Ed.), Professional Learning Together: Building a Collaborative Culture in Supervision of the Teaching Practicum, Hong Kong: INSTEP, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, pp. 77-86.

Bunton, D. (1996) English language: Testing reading skills. In J Biggs (ed.), Testing: to Educate or to Select? Education in Hong Kong at the Crossroads. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Press, pp. 173-93.

Bunton, D. (1996). A text analysis of research thesis abstracts. In P. Storey, V. Berry, D. Bunton and P. Hoare (eds.) Issues in Language in Education. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education, pp. 57-70.

Storey, P., Berry V., Bunton, D., and Hoare P. (eds.), (1996). Issues in Language in Education. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education, 255 pp.

Bunton, D. and Wu, K.Y. (1995). Testing higher and lower level reading skills. In Proceedings of the International Curriculum Conference on Partnership in Curriculum Development: Towards More Effective Learning, Hong Kong: Government Printer, pp. 32-43.

Bunton, D. (1993). Thematisation and given-new information: their effect on coherence in Hong Kong secondary student writing. In N. Bird and J. Harris (eds.), Language and Content. Hong Kong: Institute of Language in Education, pp. 374-86.

Bunton, D. (1991). A comparison of English errors made by Hong Kong students and those made by non-native learners of English internationally. In D. Bunton and C. Green (eds.), English Usage in Hong Kong: ILE Journal, Special Issue No. 2., pp. 9-22.

Bunton, D., and Green, C. (eds.). (1991). English Usage in Hong Kong: ILE Journal, Special Issue No. 2. Hong Kong: Institute of Language in Education, 79 pp.

Unpublished Thesis and Dissertation

Bunton, D. (1998). Linguistic and textual problems in Ph.D and M.Phil theses: an analysis of genre moves and metatext. Unpublished Ph.D thesis, The University of Hong Kong.

Bunton, D. (1992). Thematisation and given-new information: their effect on coherence in Hong Kong secondary student writing. Unpublished MEd dissertation, The University of Hong Kong.

Electronic databases on the Internet

Tsui, A.B.M., Allan, Q.G., Derewianka, B., Plum, G., Feez, S., Bunton, D., and Tyrwhitt-Drake, H.C. (2002). Grammar Database: PrimeGram. A hypermedia database on the TeleNex website at

Tsui, A.B.M., Lock, G., Wu, K.Y., Allan, Q.G., Tyrwhitt-Drake, H.C., and Bunton, D. (1998). Grammar Database: TeleGram. A hypermedia database on the TeleNex website at


Tsui, A.B.M., Lock, G., Wu, K.Y., Allan, Q.G., Tyrwhitt-Drake, H.C., Bunton, D., Nicholson, S., Sengupta, S., Gordon, A., Offord Gray, C., and Wade, R. (1999). A TeleNex CD-ROM: Pedagogic Grammar and Teaching Resources Databases for English Language Teachers in Hong Kong Secondary Schools. Hong Kong: Teachers of English Language Education Centre (TELEC), Department of Curriculum Studies, The University of Hong Kong.